All of your fentanyl questions, answered.

  • The test strips are highly sensitive at detecting fentanyl and its analogues, but no testing mechanism is 100% reliable, particularly due to variations in user technique. Also, such a large variety of substances can contain fentanyl and often the technique varies depending on pill vs powder vs liquid.

    Regardless, the strips are highly sensitive and should be used before ingestion of any substance not distributed directly from a pharmacy. Always remember to tell a friend if you are ingesting anything, and always have Narcan available in the rare case of a false-negative result on the test strip.

  • No, this is not true; Narcan does reverse the effects of fentanyl, but you may need to give more than one dose. Always call 911 as you are administering Narcan.

  • We supply test strips at in-person events, along with education and life-saving harm reduction tips. While we would love to ship test strips around the country, our organization is in its infancy and not yet ready for nationwide distribution.

    Nearly all local health departments and harm-reduction programs have test strips; if you are having trouble locating them, please reach out to us and we will help.